Saturday, September 25, 2010

The One with the Weird Children

The three children of Loki, the Nordic demigod, were rmungandr, the World Snake, Fenrir, the wolf and _____, his only daughter, the ruler of the underworld. The Nordic people would curse each other by telling someone to go to her, which meant to go to die. This is the basis of a popular English phrase, which means more or less the same thing. What is his daughter's name?

The One with the Levitating Building

What momentous event does this picture depict?

The One with a Famous Parody

One parody of this poem, entitled 'The Pole-Cat' had Abraham Lincoln extremely amused, though he admitted that he hadn't read the original but intended on doing so as soon as possible. This poem has been regarded as this American author's greatest ever work of poetry. Name the poem and the poet.

The One with the Blood Substitute

Since this substance is easily miscible with blood and remains sterile until opened from its casing, it was often used during World War II for emergency transfusions in the tropical areas. What is this substance?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The One with the Freaky Store

This clothing store inspired the name of something very famous from the musical point of view. The picture is littered with hints if you know what to look for. The blacked out space is both the name of the store and the name of the thing. What is it??

The First One

Welcome to my web log. I mean this to be for lovers of trivia, the beautiful game, and/or The Blues of West London.
A few simple not-quite-rules-but-yeah-you-might-wanna-know-the-stuff:
1. I'd prefer that you didn't comment with the answers as you won't get any response. As most of you who will access this blog are my friends on Facebook, send me a message. I'll let you know.
2. Its purely up to you, but, if you like quizzing, don't Google. Its the cheaters' way out.
3. If, due to some problem or the other, I cannot post a question on particular days, I'll make up with as many questions as I have missed out on.
I will not waste much more time. Questions, trivia, knowledge, information and the like ho!!